Beth Basham MS, RD

invites you to experience

Peace with

Food & Soul

A Comprehensive Online Course where

Women Shed Food & Body Guilt and Release 

the Chains of Diet Culture for Good!

Every woman would benefit from the soul nourishing and abundant environment Beth has carefully woven for us through the Peace with Food and Soul program. I signed up hoping to move the scale and fit in my favorite pair of jeans again and defy my autoimmune challenges but what I got was so much more than that! I am so thankful for the change in perspective, the freedom and the peace I feel and I hope that you invest in yourself too. Thank you, Beth!! This is a game changer…
~Cassandra Smith

The Peace with Food & Soul Online Course was created for those who want to stop feeling crazy around food. They are ready to step out of diet culture for good and want tools for making that process as easy as pie.

The course also now comes with Your Intuitive Life Journal (Valued at $44) to help you maximize your success! This will be shipped right to your doorstep… 

joyful woman looking in a mirror
If you’re like most women who dream of looking in the mirror and loving what you see, you face one major (and hidden) obstacle that always keeps your dream beyond reach…
What is it you ask? 
It will soon be clear to you, but first let us ask you something…

Do you know what to eat, you just can’t seem to do it? 


Do you constantly find yourself hating your body and preoccupied with how to change it?

Really, take a minute to reflect here… Which of these apply to you?

✔ You constantly feel like you need to be in a nutrition or diet program to feel like you’re “eating right” and losing weight, so you bounce from diet to diet in hopes that it will stick, even though it never has…

✔ You’re overwhelmed by guilt and shame about what you did eat (or didn’t eat) and how it is going to affect your body moment to moment. 
✔ The size of your body dictates how you feel and how you show up at social events and occasions… For example: When your body isn’t small enough you avoid social events and change your eating so others don’t judge you.
✔ You get paralyzed by the fear of judgement and rejection that comes with being in a body that others may find unacceptable or unworthy.

✔ The planning never seems to end – food is always on your mind or figuring out how to get into a smaller body takes up mental rent in your brain.

Do one or more of these apply to your situation?


This is how my colleague Tammy and I felt for YEARS before we finally decided to throw in the towel and say, “I’m DONE – I’m going to enjoy my food, smash the scale into pieces, and no longer accept mediocrity as a way of life!”

We finally started to think about our food and body like we did as children who didn’t need to count calories or anything else to maintain our happiness.  


Say goodbye

To the Diet Culture Mindset

➡ The Diet Culture Mindset is a way of thinking about your health and body and how you control it (most people think in a way that sets them up to fail)…

➡ One that puts hopeful women (just like you) on the path to shame, frustration, struggle and failure right from the get go…

➡ This path causes a LOT of pain, frustration, and wasted energy on the way…

➡ It’s what keeps you up at night worrying about what “diet” or nutrition plan will be the best option, what foods you “should” or “shouldn’t” eat, or what people will think if you gain weight…

➡ It’s what leads to most of your mental/emotional stress and often at the root of depressed and anxious thinking

➡ It keeps you from flourishing in your relationships (intimate, family and casual) and stepping into your life’s purpose to be happy, free, and loved.

A “diet culture mindset” is what keeps you stuck thinking all you have to do is change your behaviors and wield your willpower. Your VALUE is dependent on your body size (which isn’t true), and as a result, “depriving more” and “hating yourself thin” is your only strategy for feeling better, and I don’t have to tell you that’s a broken strategy.
And if that applies to you….

Then chances are, you’re operating from the diet culture mindset that you learned from your upbringing.

But that’s okay! It’s all you knew… UNTIL NOW!

With a diet culture mindset, your worthiness and happiness in your body is dependent on your body SIZE and this perceived idea that you have to “do it right” with food, or else. You feel guilty or shameful if you eat “bad” foods or don’t get to the gym like you should.

It creates this constant need for approval from others. A need to know MORE about food and health. A need for certainty and security. Needs that will keep you trapped.

It’s a mindset that will leave you overwhelmed and unsatisfied. On a surefire route to dissatisfaction and burnout, with nothing to show for it.

So, if having food freedom and becoming more trusting of your body seems “unrealistic” or like a “pipe dream”, it’s time to lose the diet culture mindset or you will stay stuck, repeating your old patterns of dieting and failing.

What’s going to happen to your health IF You Don’t Start Thinking Like a Liberated Eater?

An Liberated Eater thinks very differently from The Defeated Eater with a Diet Culture Mindset…
Defeated eaters often think eating is black and white… Do eat this, don’t eat that.
Defeated eaters are drawn to the next diet fad or program thinking it will “fix” them…
Defeated eaters are constantly worried about others’ judgments…
Defeated eaters are riddled with food obsession and worry…
Liberated Eaters know all foods fit and they trust their body to guide them to make the best choices in the moment.
Liberated Eaters know they aren’t broken and can easily turn down invitations to diet or restrict.
Liberated Eaters quickly and easily dismiss the judgments of others because they know their truth.
Liberated Eaters have time and energy to do the things they love to do because food thoughts don’t plague them…

Defeated eaters think eating is black and white… Do eat this, don’t eat that.

Liberated Eaters know all foods fit and they trust their body to guide them to make the best choices in the moment.

Defeated eaters are drawn to the next diet fad or program thinking it will “fix” them…

Liberated Eaters know they aren’t broken and can easily turn down invitations to diet or restrict.

Defeated eaters are constantly worried about others’ judgments…

Liberated Eaters quickly and easily dismiss the judgments of others because they know their truth.

Defeated dieters are riddled with food obsession and worry…

Liberated Eaters have time and energy to do the things they love to do because food thoughts don’t plague them…

 Liberated Eaters have FOOD & BODY FREEDOM

They don’t follow the traditional food rules. They question them. Then, they break them based on listening to their bodies

They know diet culture is LOUD and recognize it takes support to find freedom. And they don’t let their circumstances dictate, or get in the way of what’s possible for them. 

When you kick diet culture mindset to the curb and start thinking like a Liberated Eater, you’ll get totally clear on what you need to do to change the way you relate to food and your body. 

You’ll be able to focus on what’s important and what you enjoy – and build a life for yourself that’s amazing. 

And that’s important because…

Discover what hundreds of women have discovered to break out of their pain for GOOD…

Not temporarily but for EVER, so you can finally live a life full of peace, joy, and satisfaction with food and your body. 

But this change has to happen from the inside out. 

Most people work on changing their behaviors using programs and food plans.

They work temporarily, but they NEVER stick. 

In fact, if you’re trying to lose weight, you may not yet realize, but the process of dieting actually can lead to WEIGHT GAIN and other comorbidities such as depression, diabetes and heart disease.

Yup, what everyone else thinks is the solution is actually the problem! 

If you want to see change…

You actually have to start retraining your brain and subconscious that is stuck in patterns of self-sabotage, guilt/shame, and being a victim to your genes or environment. 

You also have to get in control of your emotions in a sustainable and loving way! 

Don’t be like everyone else and try to continue doing this on your own…


A Comprehensive Online Course where Women Learn to End the Craziness with Food and Release the Chains of Diet Culture for Good!

What is it?

The Peace with Food & Soul™ Online Course is a comprehensive self-paced course created for women like you who are ready to step out of diet culture for good but might be struggling with that process. 


The online course comes with your very own copy of Your Intuitive Life Journal, written by Tammy Lantz, RD, LD. 


The intention of this life journal is to provide you with a comprehensive space to explore multiple resources while documenting your journey into loving your food, self, and life. It’s a perfect compliment to the course!

 The Peace with Food & Soul™ course includes ALL of the following:

☑ Learn how to step off of the diet roller coaster, emotional eating patterns, and general obsession over food choices for good.

☑ Find out how to change your habits, shift your emotional eating patterns and stripping away guilt and shame around your present body so you feel lighter and more free in your body with or without weight release.

☑ Discover how to eat with EASE while not sacrificing your health using our unique E.A.T. (Empowerment, Attunement, & Trust) system/method!

☑ 1-year access to our exclusive training portal, including 3 courses to get you going on your journey (VALUED AT $997)

☑ Access to tools not otherwise available in other IE groups to include (but not limited to) tapping/EFT techniques, self-hypnosis guidance, inner child work, nervous system healing, etc.  

☑ BONUS #1: 1-year access to more than 40 BONUS training videos, handouts, meditations and more in addition to the core curriculum (VALUED AT $297)

☑ BONUS #2Access to our exclusive TOOL BOX for easy, on-the-go lessons from our best tools for accessing peace, resilience and love for food and your body NOW (VALUED AT $97),

☑ BONUS #3Your very own copy of YOUR INTUITIVE LIFE JOURNAL shipped right to your door step (shipping/handling not included)! (VALUED AT $44)

☑ Literally everything you need to be successful, build your confidence, mental and emotional freedom, and optimal health is covered in this program. We’ve thought of EVERYTHING for you!





This 12-month, comprehensive online course and portal access is ONLY $497 through the end of 2022…

Yes, a ONE TIME payment of $497 or two payments of $275!

That’s less than $10 per week for your key to success and expedited healing…

You won’t ever see this price again as it’s ONLY for those who sign up before the end of the year…

Don’t take our word for it, check out what previous clients have had to say!