Cinch Your Waist and Your Wallet!


Who doesn’t want to eat healthy AND save money? Many of my clients are searching for ways to do just that and commonly complain that eating healthy costs too much!

It’s time to throw away that misconception that healthy = expensive. You can enjoy delicious and satisfying food that’s good for you and your bank account!

Here are some quick tips:

  • Plan ahead and make a shopping list! You will always save money if you write down the items you need the week and days before you plan your trip to the grocery store. You will be more likely to pick up only the items you need and will be less tempted to buy foods based on impulse. In addition, you will save time (and gas money) later on in the week if you have to run out for something you need for a unplanned meal. If you are looking for weekly meal plans that are done for you, check out
  • Shop generic and in bulk when you can! Buying the store brand will always save you money and stores like Safeway are really making an effort to offer more organic options. In fact, sometimes the organic is the most affordable option! In addition, Costco is always a great choice. Did you know they are the number 1 seller of organic foods based on volume! There are lots of great choices and if you want to learn more check out my class schedule to find out when I teach about how to shop at Costco. Large volumes of healthy food items including meats, poultry, beans, whole grains and frozen berries and veggies are perfect choices.
  • Don’t go to the store hungry! Grab a snack before you leave the house to prevent impulse shopping done out of hunger. More often than not, we reach for sugar when we are hungry, so avoid temptation by thinking ahead. Keeping Larabars or nuts in your car or purse is also a fail-safe way to snack before entering the store.
  • Grow your own herbs! Whenever I need herbs for a recipe, I usually end up buying a whole package at the store and end up using 2-3 tablespoons. The rest wilts or goes bad. To prevent this, I recommend growing a few of your own herbs at home or in your garden. Mint, rosemary, chives, parsley and basil are great starters and fairly easy to grow in Hawaii!
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Even if some healthy foods cost you a buck or two more than their less healthy counterparts, it’s important to remember the short and long term value of your choices. Short term might be a stomach or fatigue after an unhealthy meal but long term poor choices could stack up to diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases! The cost of your medical bills down the road will more than make up for the money you tried to save by eating cheaper, less healthful food options.

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