Welcome to HBD Nutrition!

Beth Danowsky Pic

Hello world!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my new website. If you know me personally, you likely already know how passionate I am about health and wellness. If I am new to you then this is a great place to come to learn more.

My name is Beth Danowsky and I have been a Registered Dietitian for over 9 years. Over the course of my time as a RD, I have learned to value the importance of whole body health care which encompasses a bit more than just nutrition by itself. Working with clients has taught me that health begins at birth (and even before that!) and is a result of a huge accumulation of contributing factors to include genetics, diet, lifestyle, exercise, spirituality, environmental toxin exposure, and drug use (pharmaceutical and recreational), among others. If one is to take total control of his or her health, it’s important to consider every aspect of health to determine and find balance in the body.

My quest to help people restore health and vitality started in college when I declared a major in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. I was an overachiever, who loved science and math, and was curious about how the body worked so the degree was immediately a good fit. I consider myself on of the lucky few who fell into a major she plans to use for years to come! As I started working in the field, I began to realize that nutrition, although fundamentally important, is only one aspect to total body health. I was lucky to meet some amazing people along the way who helped me refine my personal health and learn ways to transform others. Most anyone who has navigated this planet for any amount of time knows that some of the best medicine is a hug from a friend, an listening ear and abundant amounts of fresh air and time in nature.

When you come to this page and read my blog, you will definitely find information about nutrition, nutritional supplements and food, but I hope you also discover there is more to my practice then just that! When I work with clients we collaborate in a number of ways that might also focus on ways to reduce stress, engage in more (or less) physical activity, and cope with difficult relationships.

To add to my already extensive background of experience, I also come with a 200 hour training in Yoga from the Samadhi Yoga Center in Denver, CO which I participated in in 2010. This certification was crucial in helping me learn personal balance which now share and utilize with my clients. Once my business gets off the ground, I hope to start teaching more yoga classes in my community.

Currently, I am working to complete my master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine which I hope to utilize in my practice to help clients reach their health goals. (p.s. In a later post, I will describe what Functional Medicine is and why I am so interested in it… Believe me it’s an amazing paradigm which I believe will move to the forefront of medical care in years to come)

There is SO much more I could share but I will try to end it here. Please stay tuned and connect with me on Facebook and Twitter so we can learn and grow together. Feel free to check out my testimonials to the right of this post… The proof is always in the pudding.

And a quick quote to end on…

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”

Thank you Audrey Hepburn for pointing out this unmistakable truth!

In Health and Vitality,


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